Sharing my step-by-step Tableau guides, Tips & tricks and my portfolio as I continue to grow and develop my data visualisation skills.

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x8 Viz of the Day’s

Tableau Public Featured Author ’23

x1 Vizzie 24′ Winner

#TableauNext ’23

Shreya Arya

Tableau / Alteryx Consultant • The Information Lab • The Data School UK • Back 2 Viz Basics (B2VB) Co-lead

Hi, I’m Shreya.

I am a Tableau/Alteryx Consultant at The Information Lab / Data School UK, specialising in data visualisation and analytics. With a passion for creative design, I enjoy transforming data into clear and visually engaging insights. I have received x8 #VizOfTheDay ‘s on Tableau Public, showcasing my ability to deliver impactful visualisations.

With my expertise, I am committed to helping organisations unlock the full potential of their data.

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